2023 Partners: British Council, Arts Council England
XR Exhibition Profiles → Figural Bodies

Figural Bodies

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SXSW XR Experience
12 - 14 March
Venue: Congressional Ballroom, Floor 3 - Fairmont Hotel

"Figural Bodies," created with Candoco Dance, is active research towards deconstructing mocap data from its enforced normative algorithms, celebrating subversion and difference in the immersive representation of bodies. Disabled dancers in Austin and London, connected by Goldsmiths Mocap Streamer, seek to share embodied communication through virtual interaction. The dancers communicate through a co-created movement vocabulary, using motion data and machine learning to push the boundaries of how bodies can be represented in the Metaverse. Figural Bodies is part of Future Art and Culture produced by British Underground at SXSW funded by Arts Council England with additional support in 2023 from the British Council.

Directors: Clarice Hilton, Neal Coghlan
Executive Producer: Daniel Strutt
Producer: Susanna Dye, Kat Hawkins
Contact: Daniel Strutt, Goldsmiths, University of London daniel.strutt@gold.ac.uk