2023 Partners: British Council, Arts Council England
Panels → Exploring international collaboration in art and tech

Exploring international collaboration in art and tech

UK Immersive Takeover Panel
14 March 14.00 - 15.00
UK House, Cedar Street Courtyard

From intimate immersive experiences to large-scale spectacular events, music, art and tech production requires a breadth of cross-disciplinary working to bring together the best talent and skills. International collaboration offers an opportunity to explore and learn with global partners leading to new networks and ground-breaking creative frontiers. This discussion explores best practice in international working including research and mapping. We will also address approaches to collaborating across cultures including sources of funding and support.

Joel Mills (Chair) - Director, Music, British Council
Claire Mera-Nelson - Director, Music, Arts Council England
Karen Palmer - Immersive Director and XR Exhibition Presenter
Irini Papadimitriou - Creative Director, Future Everything