2023 Partners: British Council, Arts Council England
Panels → Dance in the Metaverse: Tools for Accessibility

Dance in the Metaverse: Tools for Accessibility

SXSW Panel
14 March 09.00 - 10.00
Venue: Manchester A - Fairmont Hotel

As the metaverse becomes the proposed next frontier for embodied connection, play, and performance, its current design, representation of bodies, and technological modes of interaction remain inaccessible to many. This panel will critically discuss the barriers to access and will give insight into practical design processes which centre disability. Focusing on dance performance, the panel brings together developers, performers and researchers to discuss sustainable and inclusive design practice; i.e. streaming tools for remote participation, and machine learning for adaptive modes of embodiment in virtual spaces. To fulfill the true potential of the cultural metaverse we must start to think about challenging its normative assumptions to reach for a concept of ‘collective affinity’.

Daniel Strutt - Lecturer, Goldsmiths, University of London
Kat Hawkins - PhD Candidate, Coventry University
Ashley Noel-Hirst - PHD Candidate at Queen Mary in Artificial Intelligence in music performance
Clarice Hilton - PhD Candidate/ Research Assistant/ Creative Technologist, Goldsmiths, University of London